Kamala Harris Stands Strong in First Presidential Debate Against Trump

Kamala Harris Wins Debate by Keeping Calm and Making Trump Angry

Kamala Harris Impresses Voters with Presidential Poise in Debate with Trump

In the first presidential debate, Kamala Harris had a tough job. She is known for being a strong prosecutor, but this time, her goal was different. She needed to introduce herself to voters who don’t know her well enough to support her yet.

Harris’s plan worked well. She made Donald Trump angry, and then she used his behavior to show that she was the only calm and serious candidate on stage. Early in the debate, she invited people to watch a Trump rally. She pointed out that Trump’s rally speeches are often long, confusing, and strange, and some people leave because they get bored. This seemed to bother Trump, who is proud of his rally crowds.

After this, Trump started acting like he does at his rallies. He shouted a lot, talked off-topic, and made strange, false claims. He even blamed police officers for the January 6 Capitol attack and repeated his false claim that he won the 2020 election.

Harris did well on most issues, though not all. She struggled a bit when explaining some changes in her political views from her 2019 campaign. She also didn’t fully separate herself from President Biden, who is not very popular right now. However, she did very well when talking about abortion, making Trump uncomfortable when he couldn’t answer whether he would veto a national abortion ban.

Harris showed she could be a strong president. She talked about her economic plan and her experience in foreign policy, like meeting Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy and helping NATO respond to Russia. This helped counter the idea that she isn’t serious or experienced enough.

The most important thing Harris did was to stay calm and confident while Trump was loud and out of control. This made her look more like a president to many people.

The reactions from Republicans showed how the debate went. They complained about the moderators, even though Trump was given more time than Harris. Some Republicans, like Reince Priebus, said Trump’s poll numbers don’t change, which seemed like a way to admit they were worried his numbers might drop. Even Trump seemed to know he wasn’t doing well, which seemed to make him even angrier.

In the end, Harris’s plan for the debate worked out almost perfectly.

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